Functional Nutrition

Functional Nutrition is a discipline of Functional Medicine. Both seek to achieve root cause resolution versus only symptom management. A Functional Nutritionist goes beyond calorie counting and food labels by taking a holistic approach to help you reclaim your health in an empowering, sustainable way. Following the principles of Functional Medicine, we’ll take time to understand your health history, symptoms, lifestyle, environmental exposures, genetic influences, preferences, etc. This comprehensive approach helps us better understand what is blocking your body from healing so we can best tailor your plan to your unique needs. Matching your treatment plan with what’s going on in your body and life helps to better resolve or improve symptoms sustainably so you get long lasting results.

In our first session we’ll do a thorough evaluation of your history, lifestyle, symptoms, and goals. You’ll be given a nutrition plan and there may be supplement or lab recommendations depending on your case. Follow-up appointments are for helping you implement your plan and trouble-shooting any challenges so you’re supported through the process and never left to just figure it out on your own. 

A large focus of our work together will be helping you optimize your “wellness foundation.” This foundation includes nutrition but also stress support, sleep, and movement. So many of our root causes track back to one or more of these areas and we need all of these areas in play to be able to have good long term health. They are what build the strong foundation your body needs to thrive. You know when you build a house you build a strong foundation first. It's the same for your body! After your first session, we’ll have a sense of which areas need the most focus and create an action plan for them as we continue working together. Optimizing these four areas frequently helps reverse most if not all of someone’s symptoms and if it doesn’t your body will be in a stronger place to tolerate and sustain any more advanced treatments you may need.